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Showing posts from May, 2015

The Journey Continues

            Our lives have been pretty crazy the past few months. After our miscarriage in February I started undergoing testing to figure out why I have issues keeping a pregnancy. All of my blood work came back perfect which was awesome, but it didn’t give us much to go on, so I had a procedure called a hysteroscopy. During the procedure the doctor sent a camera into my uterus to check for anatomical abnormalities. The doctor found that the left side of my uterus is covered in scar tissue. He was able to clearly see my right fallopian tube, but the left one was completely hidden by tissue. It also looks like my uterus may be abnormally shaped. We found out a lot of helpful information and I will have a laparoscopic surgery June 2 nd to clear out all of the scar tissue and to check everything else.             I am so excited to be one step closer to having a healthy baby. We still have a ways to go, but it is such a relief to have some answers. Hopefully the surgery wi